All pupils must receive a good education, regardless of their circumstances

A holistic approach for ALL our learners…

alternative provision

What is Good Alternative Provision?

Good alternative provision is provision that meets the needs of all students who require its use and enables them to achieve good educational attainment and meeting the needs identified with an EHCP (Education Healthcare Plan).

All pupils must receive a good education, regardless of their circumstances or the settings in which they find themselves. Provision will differ from student to student, but there are some common elements that alternative provision should aim to achieve.

alternative provision

Our common aims are:

  • Good academic attainment on par with mainstream schools
  • The specific personal, social and academic needs of pupils are properly identified and met in order to help them to overcome any barriers to attainment
  • Improved pupil motivation and self-confidence, attendance and engagement with education
  • Clearly defined objectives, including the next steps following the placement such as reintegration into mainstream education, further education, college, training or employment
  • Be suited to the pupil’s capabilities, give pupils the opportunity to take appropriate qualifications and involve suitably qualified staff who can help pupils make excellent progress
  • Have good arrangements for working with other relevant services

Call our team to enquire – Call 0333 220 3429

or email and we will reply promptly

Our Successes…

Working with mainstream schools since 2020

MIAG have had over 30 students that’s come to MIAG for different reasons, and we have worked with Schools and Local authorities to put them in to mainstream or specialist provision in the last 3 years.

Attendance is on average 89% over the last 3 years

There have been many reasons for disengagement from Education and MIAG Staff have been very creative in how to engage with the students and to work with them to engage them back slowly into Education with a different outlook from the school environment.

We offer Work Experience and Apprenticeships to year 11 students

Over the last 2 years we have had 8 Students moved onto Apprenticeships and work experience and MIAG will now be looking to expand this offer to year 11 students who do not want to do alternative route of College.

Get in touch to find out how we can help you

  • Re-engage all pupils in their education
  • Foster curiosity about the world and develop a passion for learning
  • Prepare pupils for their next steps
  • Support all pupils to make safe and healthy lifestyle choices